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电话: 023-86991038
传真: 023-86991038
姓名: chris.leo
Dongfang Lingyun Vehicle Made Co., Ltd.

  we are famous in moped motorcycle mannufacturing in chongqing, china. our motorcycle is prevailing with low *域名隐藏* *域名隐藏* quality. we have various moped motorcycles , CUB motors , dirt motors , crusier motors for your *域名隐藏* other kinds of motorcycles. for more infomation, please logo no our website: http:// *域名隐藏* you have any further question or requirements, please feel free to us.

主要产品/业务: sell *域名隐藏* cture motorcycle

Dongfang Lingyun Vehicle Made Co., Ltd. / 重庆 / jinzhu indrustry area banan district chongqing china (400063) / 电话:023-86991038

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